Faculty of Mining, Geology & Petroleum Engineering


CROTEC – Structural Analysis of On-going and Neotectonic Activity in Croatia


Supported by: The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia

                     Grant: 195-1951293-3155

Start of the Project: January, 2007.


Project Summary:

NW Croatia and the Croatian Adriatic region belong to seismically and tectonically active regions of the northeastern circum-Mediterranean belt. Since both regions have a great social, cultural and economic importance, the highest level of seismic risk is invoked.


The main objective of CROTEC is quantitative structural analysis of active tectonics and seismicity and neotectonics of both regions. In our hypothesis on-going tectonic movements and seismic activity are mostly related to faults or fault zones that can be traced at the surface and/or at the sea bottom, and which are both: a) inherited from previous neotectonic deformational phases (commenced since ca. 40 Ma), and b) formed during the youngest Pliocene-Holocene deformational phase (commenced since ca. 5 Ma) due to overall transpression in this part of the Mediterranean.


CROTEC research strategy is based on integration of available and newly obtained geological and geophysical data sets into the project database (GIS-ArcView platform) that will help in reconstruction of neotectonic history and in construction of neotectonic and seismotectonic maps of both regions. This will improve our current knowledge on recent and neotectonic activity in Croatia and provide new quantitative data sets that would be used as: a) a solid and new background for geodynamic analyses and reconstructions, b) a new background in urban planning and in other types of infrastructural planning (e.g. highway, water supply, pipeline constructions) for prevention and/or minimization of seismic risks and hazards, and c) a new background in assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of both regions.


Achievement of project objective and goals are planned by means of modern, state-of-the-art technologies and methods, through a multi-institutional cooperation between geoscientists at the University of Zagreb: Department of Geology & Geological Engineering at the Faculty of Mining, Geology & Petroleum Engineering and Department of Geophysics at the Faculty of Science, ELTE University of Budapest: Department of Physical and Hystorical Geology, VRIJE University of Amsterdam: Department of Tectonics/Structural Geology and INA Industrija nafte d.d. Naftaplin, Zagreb.


CROTEC Publications:

In press (peer-reviewed):

Tomljenoviĉ, B., Csontos, L., Márton, E. & Márton, P.: Tectonic evolution of the northwestern Internal Dinarides as constrained by structures and rotation of Medvednica Mts., North Croatia.- Geological Society, London, Special Publications




Zadnja izmjena: 06.04.2007 11:54:02